Monday 12 November 2012

Why Blog about it?

Yesterday I received somewhere between 6 & 8 messages all reading something like this "So what news - when is Lucy coming home" and today I got about another 4 asking the same thing.  Please NOTE that I am not complaining I think that it is absolutely amazing how much love, support and interest people have shown regarding our plans to adopt and now it seems as though you all share our anxiety regarding when we will find our Lucy and when will she come home. So hence this blog - whenever you are wondering whats going on in the search for Lucy you can check it out right here and every time you do pls know that I am grateful for your thoughts and care, many of you have carried us on this journey and some of you have inspired us more that you will ever know.

This is also a way for me to keep a diary, one day I will have all the notes on how Little Lucy came into our lives and I will have many stories to tell her on how we searched until we found her and how we persevered through the admin until the day when her ID read Lucy de Charmoy.

It may also be an encouragement to some of you who may want to go down this road someday - the more experience we share the better! I will point you to some folk who have inspired us and helped us get some practical direction on this journey - and I hope that this will do the same for you.

Lots of Love

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