Sunday 15 December 2013

1 Year Ago

This week was one year that we have been parents, that’s 365 days of parenting 101 - crash course “learn as you go” style! We are preparing for our second year with the boys and cannot help but reflect back on what has been an awesome and inspiring first year.

This year was a year of many firsts for us as a family. Next year a lot of what we do will be for the second time around and my gut feel is that things will get better and better and more and more fun as we go.

The boys have grown so much this year, physically and emotionally – if they keep growing at this alarming rate I may need to reduce their meal portions or find that special dust that you sprinkle on their heads to keep them “small” - it is just TOO scary!

Max has a pair of warm jarmies that used to fit him perfectly but are now skin tight. His arms, legs and tummy pop out of all the gaps. I put them on him every now and then for a laugh and then Rog and I have a fat giggle at our little munchkin running around the house looking like Gammon with all his baby rolls sticking out.

We tell Max that doing squats fixes all booboos so when he has fallen over we kiss it better and then ask for 5 squats - he gets a massive applause when he is done and forgets all about his injury. This has been an excellent distraction tool and keeps Rog and I entertained for hours!

Thomas has got faster, taller and stronger and he eagerly does his pushups, sit-ups and squats whenever we remind him to. We have a future champion sportsman there with a highly competitive nature and this year he has worked hard on learning how to loose gracefully! My big boy is an old soul and is wise beyond his years – he melts our hearts on a regular basis and we are constantly humbled by the love that he has for his little brother.

So to conclude we have had an awesome year, and adventure of note with two of the best little people we will ever know. This week has been a real time of reflection for us. We said goodbye to one of the greatest icons of hope this world will ever know and I cannot help but think that if it wasn’t for Madiba and what he did for our country and our hearts, would we have these precious boys today?

We have never been as happy nor have we ever been as grateful as we are today. Thank you Lord for our beautiful family!

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