Monday 12 November 2012

Our Baby Showers

We had two baby showers - we come from a rather large and wonderful family and have many amazing friends so could not think of a venue to house everyone comfortably - hence two wonderful baby showers and loads of fun!

I was not going to have a baby shower - ask anyone who has been through years of infertility as I and many others have been, whether they enjoy baby showers and I am sure that they will tell you that they loathe them.  It makes you feel like a terrible person because  you really want to be happy for that person and celebrate with them but the truth is you can't and it makes you feel guilty. 

This is what happens at baby showers, people avoid making eye contact with you and if they do they give you the sympathy look or the sympathy squeeze or that pat on the back. They may be in mid laugh and then they catching you looking at them and they pack it in and look away guilty, as if they too should not be having fun and if they really loved you they would be sad for you and not happy for the radiant Mum to be. You end up feeling like although you have been on your best behaviour and faked some of you best smiles - you have somehow put a dampener on the mood and you have somehow stolen away some of the joy of the day.  It makes you feel terrible and you leave saying to yourself "I will never go to another baby shower again" until the next one... that also isn't yours.

So back to my baby showers that I never wanted.  One of my cheekiest little friends told me to stop being ridiculous and of course I should have a baby shower so I said yes mostly to be obliging and so she got the ball rolling and eventually two were arranged. They were both extremely special and this Sunday when I spent the day opening my presents I said to Rog that I had the exact same feeling of the day after our wedding when were went back up to the farm to be with the family and sat opening our pressies and remembering the speeches with pure joy! What an amazing and memorable day!

Click here to see more on Sams super duper helper! It is great to see people who catch a vision and run with it and I think that Kimberley really achieved everything that Sam asked for.

We got so spoilt and I am convinced that I am going to have to work very hard at keeping little Lucy's feet planted firmly on the ground. What with outfits like those and everything a girl could ever want I could just imagine how easy it would be to become a little Diva!

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