Sunday 18 November 2012

A fun day out!

Today we were allowed to take a baby out for the day! We chose to fetch little two year old Anesu who is the most beautiful little boy who we have now met a couple times at Sinakekele . He has a 4 year old brother and they are both waiting on their adoption process to be finalized before going to their waiting family in the USA.  I can totally see why their American family fell in love with them they are adorable.

Anesu had quiet a task on his hands today – we have a family function in Umhlanga and if any of you know our family or our functions they can get rather noisy so I have my doubts over whether this was going to work.  He was happy as a lark all day – it was amazing. He was very quiet, never spoke a word and chose to either sit near us or on our laps but he watched everyone and everything and was very peaceful and sweet. The family all loved him and he got lots of attention!

On the way home he suddenly started chatting up a storm in baby language and threw out the odd “Hello” and cheeky “Hey!” from his car seat. He sang with the music in the car and then fell sound asleep just before we got back late this afternoon. Rog put him in his cot and he curled up the cutest sleep position and passed out!

We decided to hang out for a while and helped with some feeding and playing with the kids while the volunteers worked towards then end of their 6am – 6pm shift. Anesu work up before we left and I got to give him his supper and have some cuddles after bath time. He burst into tears when we said goodbye and I shed a few of my own while trying to pacify him. Even though it is sad to see them cry like that when you leave - just knowing that they are being loved and cared for by Ruth and her team - is such a huge blessing , I am so grateful for people like them in this world.  We will get to see them again on the weekend and that’s really something to look forward to!

Rog loved spending some time with the older boys this afternoon. They hung out at the car and he showed them what every button and lever did and even took them for a drive and let them steer – the LOVED it – he totally made their day and he had so much fun doing it!

Today was a super day!

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