Sunday 9 December 2012

Fun & Games & The Future...

What a fun weekend!

Ok so some of you are wondering what is going on with our search for Lucy and what is all this talk of boys etc.  Well to answer your questions it looks like we might have found some brothers for Lucy but no – still no sign of Lucy!


Any way let me fill you in….. There has been one special place that we have been going back to since we first visited and that it Sinakekele Childrens Home in Verulam.  We have gone back there many times and visited a little girl with a rather complex situation and have been waiting to hear about her case etc.  During our visits two little boys slowly began creeping into our hearts and we found ourselves gravitating towards them over recent visits.

They are brothers. The little one is nearly two and the older one is four years old. They were meant to spend a week with Ruth and have been with her for just over a year now.

We have another meeting with their social worker tomorrow so will know more then – for now it looks like we will foster them for a year and process an application for adoption after that year is up.  We are not allowed to do a straight adoption in this case and the foster period is non negotiable.  Without going into too much detail the circumstances surrounding their case seem unlikely that there will be many obstacles to adoption even through there may be a lengthy foster period.  There are risks as in any situation but when you meet these kids any ideas of self-preservation quickly fade away and the full steam ahead mode kicks in properly.

So back to our weekend. We fetched them on Friday afternoon and for the sake of this blog we are going to call the little one Max and the older one Tom (not their real names but names that we hope to add to their existing names if and when the time is right. )

They were a little shy to start off with but soon starting exploring and relaxing and they just loved racing around on their bikes outside on the lovely flat tar of the parking area by our house.  We had hotdogs outside on the deck for supper and they both polished off their dinner very quickly. We had more fun and games and then a lovely long bath time.  They don’t usually get bubbles, toys etc and we had so much fun with them over bath time  - it was such a delight to watch!

Rog read them a bed time story and they went to sleep at about 7:30 nice and easy no problems at all.  That night I probably slept about 1 hour if I was lucky – they hardly made a sound I simply could not sleep. I had the baby monitor shining in my eyes all night long and I check on them about 6 times for no logical reason at all.  I eventually went to sleep at about 5 am and then woke up again at 6am.  Rog and I – after what seemed an age - eventually woke the boys up at 7am!

All they wanted for breakfast was corn flakes which I sadly did not have so Pronutro was an acceptable alternative.  I tried to give Tom a treat by putting a mini waffle in the toaster and covering it with syrup but he took one bite and then politely asked me “where is the bin?” Needless to say he did not like his waffle at all.

We spent the morning at the animal farm which was very cute and I was amazed by how gentle they both where with all the animals  - there was no shouting, chasing or crazy behaviour they were so sweet. I think I spent more time chasing the animals than they did!

I then had a baby shower to go to so Rog took the boys and headed over to our friends Pete and Wendy. The boys had such a wonderful time there, they played in the sand, road bikes, splashed in the pool, went fishing, playing cricket, golf and generally had an amazing time – they even left with presents from their daughter Ashleigh who incidentally came up with the name Max so WOW – what a special time.  We got home had another super fun bath time and then off to bed. Oh and Max who does not speak yet said my name today – nice and crystal clear like he was announcing it! Adorable!

This morning Max woke up at 7am and Tom slept till 8am – (Keep that up boys and you’ll be in the good books for real!) I slept so much better last night and woke up feeling a lot more energetic today.

Today we went up to the farm and spent the day with Roger’s folks – another wonderful time with lots of fun and games had by all. We took them back late this afternoon and then stayed there with them for about about and hour and a half – it was very hard to leave. Moving on...

We really loved our weekend! I think that God in his Wisdom knows that if we had to share one child we would smother them with all the love that we have each stored up over the last 8 years – I smile when I imagine Rog and I arguing over who gets to do this and who gets to do that.  Now we could have 1 each!  My Rog (handsome husband) has been AMAZING and you should see his face when he talks about these boys – he could not be more on board, it is such a huge blessing to be in agreement over the directions on this path we are on.


Lucy is a dream and a promise that we will never let go off. One day our little girl will come into our lives and when she does we really pray that she will have two big brothers Tom and Max de Charmoy waiting for her. Lucy will always be our little Promised Princess and she will surely rule the roost!

For those of you that gave us such beautiful girly things for our baby shower – if it was clothes then we are going to swop some of them and keep some for Lucy and Di your purple Bumbo is now a green Bumbo!  We are going to keep a box of special goodies for Lucy - thank you for being such a blessing to us!  I have had to make some adjustments to the room, most inconvenient but they say pink is the new black so how bad can it be?

Thank you all for your continued prayers – you might need to dial those up a notch now that we have two little boys on the way.

Will keep you posted!

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