Sunday 25 November 2012

Destiny House - Mtubatuba

We took Friday off and left early and headed North to Mtubatuba. Our friends Dave and Shelley Phipson had told us of an orphanage up there called Destiny House so we decided to pay them a visit.  Shelley told us of a very little baby girl who had arrived there recently and so we were very keen to go and see if we could meet her!  When we arrived we were met by Esther who runs the home.

Esther told us proudly how this little girl had grown from 2.5kg to 4kg in 1 month and how she was doing so well. She allowed us to hold her and she was indeed very alert and even gave us a few lovely smiles! She soon fell asleep with Rog and we sat chatting to Esther while I have lots of loves to one particularly snuggly little guy who just loved cuddles. Some of these kids have not formed normal bonds with anyone so they go to everyone, which is lovely, but you do notice that it is not quite normal. This little guy was just hugging me and playing with my hair and stroking my face and it was very cute indeed.  We gave all the kids suckers and this little one was not even interested in his sucker he just wanted to get picked up and held. I had to remind him about his sucker more than once!

Esther said that she would pass on our screening report to the social worker so we will wait and see what she says.

Once again this is a place where the children are all beautiful and we are grateful for the care that they are getting. Esther has three young children of her own and still has the capacity to love and care for another 17 kids – WOW - another amazing women and her team!

Check out more about them here.

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