Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sick Children

So now I know some of what it means to have sick children and I really don’t like it – I would go as far as to say that having sick children may be one of the worst and most exhausting things you can ever experience and I have not had a very big dose of it at all.  It started with Tom being sick, woke him up in the morning and found him to have very high temp and super lethargic. Took him to the doctor and he found throat infection and put him on Broad Spec Antibiotic. His temp did not stay down for more that 2 hours at a time and I spent most of Friday and that night sponging him down and checking his temp. He slept on a bed on the floor in our room and I was lucky to get an hour sleep here and there. He had nightmares and cried through most of the night and his temp normalized early on Sat morning. 

Max was already on an antibiotic for a bronchitis type infection of his chest and so between him and Tom there was not much sleeping going on. Max started showing signs of some major discomfort soon after that I had to take him back to the doctor very early on Tuesday morning where we established that he had very sore and infected tonsils and needed a different antibiotic for that.  He also spend a night in our room with me fighting to keep his temp under 40 deg and one foot in the door and one foot out ready to take him to hospital if necessary. They are not on our medical aid yet and as you can imagine things are rather tight at the moment so I was trying to stay calm about everything and delay a trip to the hospital if at all possible. It is an absolute mind bender when you are googling “high temp - when to go to the hospital” with one had and holding a screaming toddler in the other at 2am in the morning.  I was awake from 11pm that night until 3pm the next afternoon when Rog got home – I really don’t know how people do that on an ongoing basis – scary stuff.

Anyway after those two nights I went and stocked up on pain and fever meds and suppositories and now have a rather impressive stash!  I did however end up taking Tom to the hospital sometime after midnight a few days later when nothing worked and he was screaming about abdominal pain that would not go away. He was put on another antibiotic and given some pain meds and buy the end of the following day was fine again. 4 doctor appointments, 1 x-ray, and a lot of medicine later and we seem to be on the mend! A lot poorer but a lot happier and more aware of the value of good health and great sleep.

So - the last week and a half has left our wonderful sleeping routines in complete disarray and we now have two extra clingy kids who think being sick is the key to sleeping in our room and the key to lots of extra special attention. I have two rather upside down tummies and one toddler who is either constipated or spray painting his car seat.  I have now experienced a public toilet emergency involving having to throw away an entire outfit and wash my child in the basin and I am very good at catching projectile vomit with my hands before it lodges itself in my carpet.  I have also devised new ways to get my toddler to take all his medicine and am getting more and more oblivious to the mess that surrounds me on a daily basis.  Yeeeeee Ha!

This week I bought “Sustained Energy for Kids” and we have loved trying some new delicious and healthy recipes. Both kids line up like little birds in the mornings and evening for their meds and supplements and we are well on the road to recovery! 


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