Sunday 6 January 2013

Christmas with the Boys

Christmas was amazing – the most fun Christmas I have had in a very long time!

When I realized that I was more excited about Christmas than they where - it dawned on me that they have never experienced a Christmas like what I had as a child and were therefore completely underestimating what was to come.  One day while Rog was out with them I went and got us a real Christmas Tree and lights and decorated it as a surprise for when they got back.   They loved it and started asking more questions and becoming more interested. We also decorated our favorite big tree outside with ribbons balls and lights and so the excitement started to build. When the presents started appearing underneath the tree that’s when things really started to hot up and Tom insisted on daily updates over which present were his and which presents belonged to Max.  He asked to open then every day and every day we spoke about the amount of sleeps till Christmas.

For many years now Rog and I have hosted a family dinner on Christmas Eve and this year we did the same.  This years dinner was not quite as polished as the year before and my table did not look nearly as lovely as in previous years - but we did have happy messy boys playing right up until supper time and I think that I was the only one who noticed my less than fab décor.

They got to open a few presents that night and so the frenzy began.  Pool Noodles, body board, cars and laser light from Uncle Adriaan, Spiderman Ball, books, movies and playdo, remote control car from Uncle Brett & Auntie Lisa, swing ball and mega blocks from Granny and Pappa and Cars and Aero plane from Ouma – what more could two little boys ask for!!  We laughed all night and played with fake mustaches, only Tom thought they were awful and refused to wear one, don’t think he is going to be the hugest supporter of Movember in future. He does an excellent job as head of the shaving police in our household and tells Rog off on a regular basis.

The next morning we opened some more pressies from Rog and I, most notably the red bicycle that Tom had been dreaming about – “Is that for ME?!” he asked when he saw it, such a huge hit! We had a fun morning together before heading out to our extended family gathering at the cottage.  Soon after we arrived it became apparent that there was a lot more spoiling in store – and they received more gifts from all the Cousins, Aunties and Uncles. At one point Tom looked at me with a crazy look in his eyes and declared “I NEED another present!” after which I had to give him a little pep talk and remind him of how much he had already received.  It is actually rather funny - opening presents can be very addictive for little children and these two where seriously hitting the “overload danger zone!”

That night I packed out all their presents on their bedroom floor and they had a chance to take it all in – all Tom wanted to do was show his friends and immediately started asking for when Jakie was coming to visit again.  I never ever want my children to be spoiled and will work very hard to avoid this - but there is something wonderful about seeing that for the first time in their little lives they have something to show off about and I will allow this for a limited time – they deserve it!

They have spent many happy days since Christmas playing with their presents and it has been lots of fun to watch them discover all the things that you can do with the various items. I have realized that imagination is not something that we are born with and it is something that is developed within the mind of a child. I grew up with a mom that read to me every day and it has been amazing to witness how daily this is developing in front of our eyes and how as we spend time with them every day that their fervor for life, playtime and mealtimes increases. It is like only when you know what it possible you begin to look forward to it.

NEW YEAR - We went up to Roger’s folks on the farm for New Year – our first sleepover as a family. They were very excited about this and our car was packed to the max with every conceivable gift that they wanted to take up. We stayed until well after lunch the next day and had such a special time together as a family.  Granny put up a small porta-pool and the guys made a ramp for the new bike – we even had fireworks!  Tom made “real pasta from flour” with Grandpa and even went hunting palm trees with a real chainsaw with the boys. We ate delicious palm hearts and prawns (made the Mauritian way) – the boys loved it! 

There is pretty much no way that they will not turn out to be foodies in our family – between Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Brettie the Chef, these boys get to taste the best of the best and they have loved every bite. Tom is not huge on chilly and has learned to be a little skeptical of what Grandpa adds to his plate - but we are convinced that with time he will give in to the nagging and surrender to the family addiction.


Wishing you all a beautiful 2013 filled with love, hope and happiness!

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