Thursday 16 May 2013

Mother's Day

So this was my first Mother's Day and I loved it!  Mother’s day has had a bittersweet taste for me in the past. Yay cause I could celebrate having such a wonderful Mom and Mum in law but also not Yay because it reminded me that another year had passed and I was still not a Mom.  I felt excluded and all the negative feelings that go with that and to cut a long story short - I was always glad when Mothers day was over.

This Mothers Day however was a GAME CHANGER! I was up super early with Max and so fell into a deep sleep when I managed to get him back down again. I woke up to the noise of both boys trying to carry the tray and Rog doing his best to help them not to spill the coffee all over me.  I got the hugest hugs and kisses and lots of offers over who was going to help me open my present. They gave me a beautiful bottle of perfume, which Rog and Tom chose together. Rog said that Tom was VERY fussy and kept saying no and NEXT until they found the right one!

When I told Tom how much I loved it and that they where so clever because my other one was nearly finished he said very confidently “Don’t worry Mom when this one is finished we will just buy you another one!” BLESS HIM! When I put some on later I made sure that I did it in front of them and they where both practically dancing for joy to see me use it – Soooooooo cute.

We went to LINC church and listened to a beautiful blessing of a message by Mark Slevin.  I asked the boys if they wanted to stay with us in the “Big Church” seeing as it was Mothers day and was told a definite “NO – Children’s church please!” Total win win situation – thank you LORD!

After church we headed up to the farm to spend the day with the folks – my mom joined us later and we loved our time together. The boys love the big garden, lovely food and extra attention they get up there.

My short stint as a Mom has given me a new appreciation of my Mom and all that she poured into my life – Mom you are amazing! It has also given me a deep sense of gratitude to God for allowing me to experience the blessing of mothering these two children - I am happier now than I ever thought possible.

Max came running up to me today proud of something he had done. He stuck his lips out as he came closer and shouted, “Kiss Me!” I have no words to describe how that made me feel. Thank you Lord.

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